Results for 'Luca Tommaso Catullo MacIntyre'

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  1.  14
    Orlando: la estética andrógina de Virginia Woolf.Luca Tommaso Catullo MacIntyre - 2022 - Escritos 30 (65):269-291.
    Los géneros literarios que los críticos han utilizado para calificar la obra de Virginia Woolf, _Orlando_, publicada en 1928, incluyen: la alegoría religiosa, la fábula, la novela policíaca, literatura de doppelgänger, cuentos diabólicos escoceses o la novela gótica. Todavía se discute si es un relato de ciencia ficción. Sin embargo, el tema principal es la identidad sexual del protagonista, quien cruza un “tiempo sin tiempo” y transforma su sexo y sexualidad a lo largo del recorrido de su alma. Este, es (...)
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    Almas encerradas, cuerpos al desnudo: sexualidad, erotismo y feminidad en la edad victoriana.Luca Tommaso Catullo MacIntyre - 2023 - Escritos 31 (67).
    A través de este escrito nos adentraremos en el contexto histórico y social de la edad victoriana y de algunos de sus autores. Analizaremos temas inherentes a la sexualidad, sus leyes y prohibiciones. En contraste con el progreso tecnológico que experimentó la sociedad británica durante el siglo XIX, la época victoriana se caracterizó por un puritanismo exagerado, una tremenda represión sexual y la infravaloración de la mujer, transformada en responsable de todos los males sociales. Moral que fue duramente criticada por (...)
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  3. Transmission of Justification and Warrant.Luca Moretti & Tommaso Piazza - 2013 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Transmission of justification across inference is a valuable and indeed ubiquitous epistemic phenomenon in everyday life and science. It is thanks to the phenomenon of epistemic transmission that inferential reasoning is a means for substantiating predictions of future events and, more generally, for expanding the sphere of our justified beliefs or reinforcing the justification of beliefs that we already entertain. However, transmission of justification is not without exceptions. As a few epistemologists have come to realise, more or less trivial forms (...)
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  4. When warrant transmits and when it doesn’t: towards a general framework.Luca Moretti & Tommaso Piazza - 2013 - Synthese 190 (13):2481-2503.
    In this paper we focus on transmission and failure of transmission of warrant. We identify three individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for transmission of warrant, and we show that their satisfaction grounds a number of interesting epistemic phenomena that have not been sufficiently appreciated in the literature. We then scrutinise Wright’s analysis of transmission failure and improve on extant readings of it. Nonetheless, we present a Bayesian counterexample that shows that Wright’s analysis is partially incoherent with our analysis of (...)
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    Father Involvement and Cognitive Development in Early and Middle Childhood: A Systematic Review.Luca Rollè, Giulia Gullotta, Tommaso Trombetta, Lorenzo Curti, Eva Gerino, Piera Brustia & Angela M. Caldarera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:464994.
    This systematic review aims to examine the existing literature concerning the association between father involvement and the development children's cognitive skills during early and middle childhood. Specifically, it analyzes: (1) how the number of researches developed across years; (2) which are the main socio-demographic characteristics of the samples; (3) which are the main focuses examined; and (4) which operational definitions were used to assess father involvement and children cognitive skills. Following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (...)
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    Twins' and Singletons' Linguistic Environment: A Systematic Review.Tommaso Trombetta, Piera Brustia, Lorenzo Curti, Angela M. Caldarera, Eva Gerino & Luca Rollè - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  7. Defeaters in current epistemology: introduction to the special issue.Luca Moretti & Tommaso Piazza - 2018 - Synthese 195 (7):2845-2854.
  8. Epistemologia (o della Conoscenza).Luca Moretti & Tommaso Piazza - 2023 - In Tiziana Andina & Gregorio Fracchia (eds.), Filosofia Contemporanea. Roma: Carocci. pp. 63-99.
    L’epistemologia (detta anche filosofia della conoscenza o gnoseologia) è la disciplina filosofica che studia come gli esseri umani si rapportano da un punto di vista cognitivo alla realtà che li circonda. Le questioni fondamentali che la interessano sono principalmente di natura normativa. Riguardano il modo in cui dovremmo regolare le nostre credenze alla luce dell’informazione in nostro possesso, e la natura della conoscenza umana ed i suoi limiti. Questo capitolo è organizzato in modo corrispondente. La prima sezione tratta della nozione (...)
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    Pre-natal Attachment and Parent-To-Infant Attachment: A Systematic Review.Tommaso Trombetta, Maura Giordano, Fabrizio Santoniccolo, Laura Vismara, Anna Maria Della Vedova & Luca Rollè - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    During the perinatal period, the establishment of the attachment relationship with the fetus and subsequently with the real child is crucial for the parents' and the child's well-being. Coherently with the assumption that the attachment relationship starts to develop during pregnancy, this systematic review aims to analyze and systematize studies focused on the association between pre-natal attachment and parent-to-infant attachment, in order to clarify the emerging results and provide useful information for clinical purposes. Nineteen studies were included. Sixteen researches identified (...)
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  10. The many ways of the basing relation.Luca Moretti & Tommaso Piazza - 2019 - In Joseph Adam Carter & Patrick Bondy (eds.), Well Founded Belief: New Essays on the Epistemic Basing Relation. New York: Routledge.
    A subject S's belief that Q is well-grounded if and only if it is based on a reason of S that gives S propositional justification for Q. Depending on the nature of S's reason, the process whereby S bases her belief that Q on it can vary. If S's reason is non-doxastic––like an experience that Q or a testimony that Q––S will need to form the belief that Q as a spontaneous and immediate response to that reason. If S's reason (...)
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  11. Phenomenal Conservatism and Bergmann’s Dilemma.Luca Moretti & Tommaso Piazza - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (6):1271-1290.
    In this paper we argue that Michael Huemer’s phenomenal conservatism—the internalist view according to which our beliefs are prima facie justified if based on how things seems or appears to us to be—doesn’t fall afoul of Michael Bergmann’s dilemma for epistemological internalism. We start by showing that the thought experiment that Bergmann adduces to conclude that is vulnerable to his dilemma misses its target. After that, we distinguish between two ways in which a mental state can contribute to the justification (...)
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    The Implementation and Evaluation of a Media Literacy Intervention About PAES Use in Sport Science Students.Luca Mallia, Andrea Chirico, Arnaldo Zelli, Federica Galli, Tommaso Palombi, Laura Bortoli, Cristiana Conti, Pierluigi Diotaiuti, Claudio Robazza, Federico Schena, Francesca Vitali, Thomas Zandonai & Fabio Lucidi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Bright Side of Hybridity: Exploring How Social Enterprises Manage and Leverage Their Hybrid Nature.Tomislav Rimac, Tommaso Ramus, Francesco Rullani & Luca Mongelli - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):301-305.
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    Romantic Attachment, Internalized Homonegativity, and Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Lesbian Women in Italy.Giacomo Tognasso, Tommaso Trombetta, Laura Gorla, Shulamit Ramon, Alessandra Santona & Luca Rollè - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence among lesbian women has been underestimated until few decades ago. While the association between romantic attachment and SSIPV has been widely demonstrated, mechanisms that mediate this association and the complex relationships between romantic attachment, SSIPV, and SSIPV-specific risk factors have not been adequately investigated to date. The current study assessed the influence of romantic attachment on SSIPV perpetration among lesbian women, exploring the mediating role of internalized homonegativity within this association. Three hundred and twenty-five Italian lesbian (...)
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    Chrysostomus Javelli: Pagan Philosophy and Christian Thought in the Renaissance.Tommaso De Robertis & Luca Burzelli (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    The volume provides the first book-length study of Chrysostomus Javelli’s philosophical works. An Italian university professor and a prominent figure in the intellectual landscape of sixteenth-century Europe, Javelli (ca. 1470-1540) was the author of insightful commentaries on both Plato and Aristotle as well as of original works in which he laid the foundations of a new Christian philosophy. In this volume, a group of leading scholars from around the world guide readers through the many facets of Javelli’s philosophical corpus, showing (...)
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    Tommaso Campanella: il filosofo immaginato, interpretato, falsato.Luca Addante - 2018 - Bari: GLF editori Laterza.
  17.  14
    The effect of face masks on sign language comprehension: performance and metacognitive dimensions.Elena Giovanelli, Gabriele Gianfreda, Elena Gessa, Chiara Valzolgher, Luca Lamano, Tommaso Lucioli, Elena Tomasuolo, Pasquale Rinaldi & Francesco Pavani - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 109 (C):103490.
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  18. New books. [REVIEW]Norwood R. Hanson, G. B. Keene, J. L. Ackrill, J. R. Lucas, Thomas McPherson, E. J. Lemmon, W. von Leyden, C. H. Whiteley, Renford Bambrough, A. C. MacIntyre, W. Gerber & M. Kneale - 1958 - Mind 67 (266):272-288.
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    I fondamenti della libertà in J.G. Fichte. Studi sul primato del pratico.Tommaso Valentini - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Editori riuniti University Press.
    Il volume analizza il pensiero trascendentale di Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) nei suoi elementi costitutivi. In particolare viene messo in evidenza che l’intento principale della filosofia fichtiana è quello di edificare un “sistema della libertà”, fondato sul primato del pratico (das Praktische) e dei costitutivi pratici della coscienza umana: l’intuizione intellettuale, l’immaginazione produttiva, lo Streben ed in primis il volere. Viene quindi sottolineato che uno dei vertici della speculazione di Fichte è rappresentato dal concetto di “volere puro” che costituisce il (...)
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  20.  44
    Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare.George R. Lucas - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    From North Korea's recent attacks on Sony to perpetual news reports of successful hackings and criminal theft, cyber conflict has emerged as a major topic of public concern. Yet even as attacks on military, civilian, and commercial targets have escalated, there is not yet a clear set of ethical guidelines that apply to cyber warfare. Indeed, like terrorism, cyber warfare is commonly believed to be a war without rules. Given the prevalence cyber warfare, developing a practical moral code for this (...)
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  21.  8
    The Ordering of Time: Meditations on the History of Philosophy.George Lucas - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    What is the history of philosophy? What exactly is this the history of and how is that history to be understood in relationship to philosophy itself? Can philosophy's history, on any of a number of diverse descriptions, ever be said in its own right to constitute a unique and genuine source of philosophical wisdom or insight? George Lucas sweeps aside the constraints of traditional methodological and cultural boundaries to reflect broadly on a variety of answers to these questions, as posed (...)
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    Foundation-Free Philosophy and the Quest for Justice. Lucas - 1990 - The Owl of Minerva 22 (1):81-90.
    Richard Dien Winfield’s most recent work, Reason and Justice, is truly remarkable in its scope, ambition, and thoroughness. In the course of his investigation, Winfield offers challenging evaluations of the political and social thought of a number of contemporary thinkers, including Rawls, MacIntyre, Dworkin, Nozick, Habermas, Apel, Gadamer, Strauss, and Arendt. Simultaneously, he engages in a historical dialogue with the classical political and economic theories of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Adam Smith, Marx, and most of all, Hegel, in order to (...)
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  23. Reflexión historiográfica y tradiciones filosóficas: un conflicto sin resolver.Oscar Lucas González Castán - 1999 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 16:35-56.
    La existencia de tradiciones filosóficas inconmensurables plantea dificultades serias para algunas de las teorías más importantes que se han propuesto en este siglo sobre la historiografía filosófica. Las teorías historiográficas pretenden ofrecer un marco general unitario válido para dar sentido a la labor de cualquier historiador de la filosofía cuando, en realidad, ese marco no resiste la confrontación con las distintas tradiciones de pensamiento en las que se han formado los diversos historiadores de la filosofía. Desde esta perspectiva, se analizan (...)
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    Edo, ergo sum: consideraciones antropológicas, éticas y educacionales sobre comer.Luca Valera & Maria Teresa Russo - 2018 - Persona y Bioética 22 (1):18-28.
    We argue that, given that the act of eating is rational and relational, it should also be an educational issue dealing with society and environment, politics and health, tastes and trends, as well as genetic and epigenetic factors. This hypothesis arises from a particular theory of the human act and an anthropological approach based on the philosophical speculations of MacIntyre and Aristotle. We argue that eating choices are “hybrids of freedom,” rationality, and unconscious and environmental elements. Finally, we suggest (...)
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    Luca Addante, Tommaso Campanella, il filosofo immaginato, interpretato, falsato.Matteo Fornasier - 2020 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 9 (2):157-161.
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    Bem comum e cidadania numa era emotivista.Victor Sales Pinheiro, Lucas Oliveira Vianna & Matheus Thiago Carvalho Mendonça - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 55.
    Bien común y ciudadanía en una era emotivista: la política identitaria como vector de crisis y renovación del debate público Este artículo analiza los conceptos de ciudadanía y bien común, considerando la crisis del debate público provocada, entre otras causas, por una distorsión de las políticas identitarias, en el contexto del emotivismo moral moderno. Para ello, este trabajo adopta la metodología de la revisión bibliográfica para desarrollar un análisis teórico de conceptos centrales de la filosofía práctica contemporánea, abarcando diversas referencias, (...)
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    Luca Morisi: Gaio Valerio Catullo. Attis . Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento. Pp. 170. Bologna: Pàtron Editore, 1999. Paper, L. 21,000. ISBN: 88-555-2519-0. [REVIEW]J. A. Richmond - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (2):397-398.
  28.  12
    Il teismo filosofico di Alasdair MacIntyre a confronto con la teologia post–liberale e post–moderna.Carlo Leonardi - 2015 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):149.
    Nel breve spazio del presente lavoro, intendo dar conto dell’“habitus teologico” che caratterizza lo stile filosofico di Alasdair MacIntyre : “religiously musical” è infatti — a mio avviso — il più insolito, e allo stesso tempo il più suadente, epiteto attribuito al filosofo scozzese dai teologi James Gustafson e Stanley Hauerwas. Tale habitus è altresì esaltato dalla diffusa propensione a saldare insieme — senza apparente soluzione di continuità — il modus philosophandi macintyriano e alcune recenti figure della teologia cristiana (...)
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    The insanity defence without mental illness? Some considerations.Luca Malatesti, Marko Jurjako & Gerben Meynen - 2020 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71.
    In this paper we aim to offer a balanced argument to motivate (re)thinking about the mental illness clause within the insanity defence. This is the clause that states that mental illness should have a relevant causal or explanatory role for the presence of the incapacities or limited capacities that are covered by this defence. We offer three main considerations showing the important legal and epistemological roles that the mental illness clause plays in the evaluation of legal responsibility. Although we acknowledge (...)
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    The Modal μ-Calculus Hierarchy over Restricted Classes of Transition Systems.Luca Alberucci & Alessandro Facchini - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1367 - 1400.
    We study the strictness of the modal μ-calculus hierarchy over some restricted classes of transition systems. First, we prove that over transitive systems the hierarchy collapses to the alternationfree fragment. In order to do this the finite model theorem for transitive transition systems is proved. Further, we verify that if symmetry is added to transitivity the hierarchy collapses to the purely modal fragment. Finally, we show that the hierarchy is strict over reflexive frames. By proving the finite model theorem for (...)
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    Il processo di Arvando e il ruolo del senato tra Antemio e Ricimero.Stefano De Luca - 2017 - História 66 (4):483-508.
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  32. The metamorphosis of freedom in Fichte's' System of Ethics'('Sittenlehre').Luca Fonnesu - 1997 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 17 (1).
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    Meta-Literature and Mimesis in the Rhetorica ad Herennium 4.1–10.Luca Grillo - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (1):41-72.
    Abstract:In the prologue to the Rhetorica ad Herennium Book 4, the author boldly departs from tradition and explains that he will create his own examples, rather than drawing from poets and orators. This methodological discussion portrays itself as an exemplum and hence carries a meta-literary and mimetic dimension. In particular, this prologue anticipates and illustrates the precept propounded in Book 4; its fine style and rhythm amount to a defense of rhetoric itself; and this defense must be considered in the (...)
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    L'unum argumentum di Sant'Anselmo: alla ricerca dell'interpretazione autentica della prova anselmiana dell'esistenza di Dio.Luca Vettorello - 2015 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    A logical and algebraic characterization of adjunctions between generalized quasi-varieties.Tommaso Moraschini - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):899-919.
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  36. More of me! Less of me!: Reflexive Imperativism about Affective Phenomenal Character.Luca Barlassina & Max Khan Hayward - 2019 - Mind 128 (512):1013-1044.
    Experiences like pains, pleasures, and emotions have affective phenomenal character: they feel pleasant or unpleasant. Imperativism proposes to explain affective phenomenal character by appeal to imperative content, a kind of intentional content that directs rather than describes. We argue that imperativism is on the right track, but has been developed in the wrong way. There are two varieties of imperativism on the market: first-order and higher-order. We show that neither is successful, and offer in their place a new theory: reflexive (...)
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  37. Incomplete Contracts and Complexity Costs.Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli - 1999 - Theory and Decision 46 (1):23-50.
    This paper investigates, in a simple risk-sharing framework, the extent to which the incompleteness of contracts could be attributed to the complexity costs associated with the writing and the implementation of contracts. We show that, given any measure of complexity in a very general class, it is possible to find simple contracting problems such that, when complexity costs are explicitly taken into account, the contracting parties optimally choose an incomplete contract which coincides with the ‘default’ division of surplus. Optimal contracts (...)
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  38. General covariance and the objectivity of space-time point-events.Luca Lusanna & Massimo Pauri - unknown
    "The last remnant of physical objectivity of space-time" is disclosed, beyond the Leibniz equivalence, in the case of a continuous family of spatially non-compact models of general relativity. The physical individuation of point-events is furnished by the intrinsic degrees of freedom of the gravitational field, (viz, the "Dirac observables") that represent - as it were - the "ontic" part of the metric field. The physical role of the "epistemic" part (viz. the "gauge" variables) is likewise clarified. At the end, a (...)
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    Zombies, the Uniformity of Nature, and Contingent Physicalism: A Sympathetic Response to Boran Berčić.Luca Malatesti - 2013 - Prolegomena 12 (2):245-259.
    Boran Berčić, in the second volume of his recent book "Filozofija" , offers two responses to David Chalmers’s conceivability or modal argument against physicalism. This latter argument aims at showing that zombies, our physical duplicates who lack consciousness, are metaphysically possible, given that they are conceivable. Berčić’s first response is based on the principle of the uniformity of nature that states that causes of a certain type will always cause effects of the same type. His second response is based on (...)
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    Ontologia e dramma: Gabriel Marcel e Jean-Paul Sartre a confronto.Luca Aloi - 2014 - Milano: AlboVersorio.
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  41. Note sulla comunità ebraica di Ancona tra XVIII e XIX secolo.Luca Andreoni - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:189-224.
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  42. Universali e particolari. II.Luca Angelone, Fabio Minocchio & Andrea Pagliardi - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (25):49-74.
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  43. Politik als Moral.Luca Fonnesu - 2017 - In Massimo Mori (ed.), Vom Naturzustand zur kosmopolitischen Gesellschaft : Souveränität und Staat bei Kant. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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  44. Meister Eckhart as the Neoplatonic" Hidden source" of Heidegger's thought.Luca Lera - 2008 - Dionysius 26:201-236.
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    Cheating neuropsychologists: A study of cognitive processes involved in scientific anomalies resolution.Luca Pezzullo - 2002 - Mind and Society 3 (1):43-50.
    This research was carried out to explore some of the cognitive processes involved in scientific anomalies resolution. 40 subjects with a good neuropsychology expertise were asked to explain two (invented) anomalous neuropsychological cases. The subjects' efforts to give a meaningful structure to the data were recorded, and the resulting reasoning blocks were analysed to extract and compute the inferential (deductive, inductive and abductive) and analogical processes used. The processes were intercorrelated to experimentally verify the co-occurrence of different forms of logical (...)
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  46. I numeri dell¿armonia.Roberto Luca - 2003 - Filosofia Oggi 26 (104):421-451.
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  47. Mediazione assoluta e universale concreto.Basile Luca - 2008 - Filosofia Oggi 31 (122):303-320.
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    Manoscritti greci dimenticati della Biblioteca Vallicelliana.Santo Lucà - 1988 - Augustinianum 28 (3):661-702.
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    Exploring the Limitations of Peripheral Blood Transcriptional Biomarkers in Predicting Influenza Vaccine Responsiveness.Luca Marchetti, Emilio Siena, Mario Lauria, Denise Maffione, Nicola Pacchiani, Corrado Priami & Duccio Medini - 2017 - Complexity:1-9.
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    Presidential Address : 25th World Congress of Philosophy.Luca Maria Scarantino - 2024 - Sophia 63 (4):613-617.
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